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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

National Helmet Awareness Day is July 10th!

The Riders 4 Helmets' campaign has one simple goal: to get more equestrians wearing helmets. So in honor of National Helmet Awareness Day, we asked real equestrians why they choose to wear a helmet. Here are some of their responses:

Jessica MacFarland Arce says, "I wear a helmet because it is responsible and sets a good example for our youth. Safe riding is fun riding!!! By protecting yourself today you're protecting yourself for your future!!! A safe responsible rider ALWAYS wears a helmet. Helmets have saved my life several times with jumping, excersizing riding, etc... One [time, when I was] jumping in an indoor over a 3'6" fence, my horse fell and I flew through a plexi-glass window in the viewing area, breaking 7 bones and only denting my helmet. The hospital told me that without my helmet I probably would have crushed my head and not survived the fall."

Wendy Bodine Helmet says, "[A helmet] saved my life at least once during a horse fall - horse fell too!! 3 broken bones, dented helmet - head was fine!!! New helmet was [an] inexpensive cost compared to damage that could have happened to my head!!!"

Steve Carr says, "My helmet is my best friend! Medivac'd to the trauma unit...Noggin to the arena gate...Learning to jump after 35. [I've] needed new helmets, but I'm still rolling. Rather crack my helmet than my head. :)"

Why do YOU wear a helmet??? We'd love your feedback!

And don't forget... visit the Toll Booth Saddle Shop on July 10th, and receive 15% off any helmet. Not in the area? Check out our Online Store.

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